En fiskerapport från Augusti

Fick nyligen en fiskerapport från Antonius Leeuwenberg från Holland som lyckades med att fånga en hälleflundra på 110 cm på ett 60 grams Tobydrag i Augusti uppe på Söröya!
Här följer hans berättelse:

Dear Jimmy,
Ed Jansen drew my attention to your site, where I discovered our 2 big cods + 2 proud fisherman & guide in the picture gallery of 21-08-2008. I feel very honoured by this, but I would like to inform you about the catch that made my stay in Soroya a really unforgettable experience.

On our last fishing day we went all the way to Storksalltaren. In the evening the sea calmed down so I could at last get rid of the 600 gr pilkers and baptize my new spinning rod, with great succes: every cast within minutes a nice cod or coalfish to drill! But it was getting late and we had to return, but they allowed me one final cast……

It was at least 30 minutes later, that our guide Hans could get a 110 cm halibut on board. This would not be worth mentioning if this catch had not been made with a 60 gr Toby spoon, on 0.16 mm/10 kg dyneema and a 100 gr spinning rod.
Anyhow, this was the most enerving drill of my fisherman|sq|s life: the bottom was on 62 mtrs and the halibut made 4 times a run downwards – at lightning speed – of at least 100 mtrs, before I could get him close to the boat. After measuring and pictures the fish was released on the promise, we would meet again one day.

Thanks a lot for the wonderful time we have spent with you and for all the effort you have been taken to make our stay a succes story!!

Anton Leeuwenberg


Antonius 110 cm flundra