New guests at Å, Lofoten

At 18.45 yesterday evening Arne and Leif arrived with the ferry in Moskenes, Lofoten. They were pretty tired after a whole days travel so we quickly drove over to Å so they could get to bed.

The first session started this morning (2/4) at 9am. We went up about 10Nm north and started to look for the cod. It was slow, windy and the snow hit us hard the first couple of hours so we drove back to have lunch around 12.30 having landed just a few cods.

The next session turned out to be better though. We went just a couple of minutes straight east from the camp and we found a big school of fish that rose from 300ft up to 150ft. Fish after fish was landed and the guys laughed while bending them rods. We did not catch any perticularly big ones but it was good fun and we returned to Å with smiles on our faces and a whole lot of filleting to do.

The weather forecast for tomorrow looks really good so we are planning for a trip around the south point of Lofoten to see if there are some bigger fish hanging out on the west side.

Tomorrow’s gonna be good.

Be safe and have fun!

Hannes Ribbner, Å